Managing mood
When I was a young military wife with undiagnosed health issues raising two special-needs kids, I found that a glass of water, snack and/or short nap could make a huge difference in my ability to cope. If you are cranky as all hell, hydrate, have a bite to eat or take a break.
Other tips:
Other tips:
- Excessive anger for no apparent reason suggests a need for vitamin C.
- Unreasonable frustration suggests a need for selenium.
- Being too giggly/laughing hysterically all out of proportion to how funny it really was suggests you need salt.
- Beef with potatoes and good quality salt helps stabilize lithium levels which mitigates extreme mood swings.
- Trypanosoma die-off causes a sense of hopelessness and despair. Cinnamon can help some.
- There is an entire post on dealing with Anxiety.
- Crying jags can be caused by a Biotin deficiency. This is a B vitamin.
- Sugar helps take the edge off pain and misery generally and helps mellow you out.
- Chocolate contains the same chemical humans produce when they fall in love. It's a general mood enhancer.
- Lung distress tends to cause mood issues. Lung clearance or consumption of caffeine to open up the airways can help.
- Obsessive thoughts suggest mold exposure or excess yeast in the system. Antifungals can help. This includes oregano, oil of oregano, capsaicin (found in hot peppers), quinine (found in tonic water) and garlic.
- Avoid or limit consumption of The News. "News" is almost always bad news.
- "Count your blessings." People are prone to focusing on what's going wrong as a means to protect themselves. Unfortunately, this can end up being really depressing and convincing you nothing is going right. Listing out what is on track can help you keep your sanity.
- Wherever possible, take control over your relationship to tech and people around you rather than letting such run over you and make you crazy.