
If you have any kind of circulatory issues, this will significantly impact hands, feet, ears and nose. I think this contributes to sinus issues and ear issues in people with CF and it means that you can have weird hand issues when circulation improves.

Respiratory problems impact blood health by not adequately oxygenating the blood.

Blood sugar issues impact blood health and are known to cause foot issues. Diabetics can end up needing one or both feet amputated if their blood sugar issues are not managed adequately.

Dehydration impacts circulation. After I stopped having Restless Leg Syndrome due to B vitamin and iron deficiencies I began having it primarily as a side effect of dehydration.

Sub-clinical shock is a circulatory issue. You may feel cold and listless at times as a side effect of treating your health issues. Caffeine, hydration, laying down and getting warm should be priorities.

As circulation improves to areas long starved of resources, you may get drainage of some kind or skin sloughing as the body kicks out invaders and does repair work. This will likely be most noticeable in the above listed areas: Nose, ears, hands and feet.

One consequence can be weird striations on the fingernails and toenails plus potentially pus draining from the cuticles. This is highly likely to be accompanied by waking up in the morning with fingertips that are very tender and hurt enormously at the slightest touch.

The first issue eventually resolves over time as you continue treatment. The second can be helped by having breakfast, getting enough to drink, having some caffeine and showering. It should mostly clear up at that point and be gone again for much of the day, though it may return every morning sometimes for days or weeks at a time.

When I was experiencing that, I showered first while someone else was making breakfast. Showering first gets some relief so it's easier to handle a cup, fork, etc. while having breakfast.

Cartilage heals slow because it gets no direct blood supply. All surrounding tissues need to improve their status before cartilage starts to heal because everything goes in and out via osmosis, not via the blood.

The heart pumps both the blood system and the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is complex and part of it exists outside the circulatory system beyond reach of the heart. As lymph gets returned to the system driven by the heart, it may cause heart distress. Laying down for a few minutes helps.

Resolving edema will involve peeing a lot and will eventually impact circulatory health for the better. Kidney support from watermelon, not peppers and liver support are some ways to work on resolving edema. I also eat a lot of butter but that's possibly specifically a CF thing. I don't know how generally useful that is.

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