Reversing severe acidity and biofilm

Your gut is actually part of your immune system and it's health is directly linked to other systems via your bloodstream. Humans DIE rapidly if their blood pH veers outside a very narrow range, so your body places an extremely high priority on mitigating blood acidosis.

By the time your BLOOD will show an issue like ketoacidosis -- a diagnosis sometimes seen in diabetics for which they PROMPTLY hospitalize you to try to prevent you from being DEAD within 72 hours -- your SYSTEM as a whole has been way too acid for a really long time.

Your lungs are the OTHER primary source of inputs and outputs for your bloodstream, so your gut health and lung health interact DIRECTLY via the body's attempts to establish homeostatis for your bloodstream so you do not RAPIDLY DIE.

This is why you urinate more when you go up in altitude: Long before you get anywhere near having altitude sickness, the body begins dumping blood wastes through the kidneys that it cannot adequately breathe out in the thinning air.

This is part of why people with CF have both life-threatening lung issues and life-threatening gut issues: They INTERACT with each other via the bloodstream such that stress on one system causes stress on the other.

If your gut is so acid that using the toilet leaves you feeling like you have been sitting on broken glass, ALL of your tissues are too acid. They are so acid you are basically dying slowly of the processes that kill you rapidly once it becomes ketoacidosis and the medical establishment just doesn't see that.

Early on in this long, strange journey, I was like "Cystic Fibrosis causes excess acidity and THAT IS THE BIG ISSUE and I shall tell everyone and be famous for fixing it!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Reality: The medical establishment and everyone who has CF or cares for a loved one with CF already knows it causes severe acidity. They just do not see any reason to TREAT that as an issue in its own right. You only get treatment for it incidental to a secondary diagnosis, like Acid Reflux.

Reversing the severe acidity it causes has been a major cornerstone of my efforts to manage my condition and has been instrumental in reversing my symptoms and restoring my health.

A few critical details that are essential to know:
  • The body maintains blood pH by stripping the bones of calcium. (Ergo, one can infer if you have osteoporosis, you are too acid.)
  • Excess acidity fosters biofilm, so you are likely CHRONICALLY infected with SOMETHING if you are too acid.
  • If you overalkalinize the stomach, it STOPS digesting food and you begin throwing up.
That's a quick and very dirty overview. I have touched on a lot of this before. This post is just pulling together a lot of things I have written about in isolation. I am NOT going to try to include EVERY related post. I encourage you to read the ENTIRE site and/or search the site for pertinent terms.

So how do you, as the title says, REVERSE it?

Initial Emergency Management

If you are extremely, severely acid -- like I used to be -- it's FINE to start with strong alkaline drinks, like diet tonic water, or antacids. BUT you cannot get to a state of health this way because if you have a terrible diet and rely on antacids, your tissues will never be where they need to be AND you may overalkalinize the stomach, stop digesting food properly and begin throwing up.

Strong alkaline drinks or antacids are fine as emergency management but they do NOT work as a health maintenance approach. You MUST alter your diet so you are eating properly in order to actually fix this.

NO Peanut Oil

If you do ONLY one thing, do THIS one: Eliminate peanut oil from your diet.

Read labels. Read labels. Read labels. AND THEN DO IT AGAIN.

It took me a few years to fully eliminate peanut oil from my diet. One thing I was doing was eating nuts that said "may contain one of the following four oils" and I was gambling on it not being the peanut oil. I have made more of an effort in recent years to look for DRY ROASTED nuts.

Peanut oil is pro-inflammatory -- aka it promotes acidity -- AND oils linger in the body. It takes a long time to undo the damage from oils because they stick around like glue.

If you have two options and one is too acid due to peanut oil and the other is too acid for some other reason, the OTHER one is probably the lesser evil. NO PEANUT OIL.

And then keep a health journal and figure out what other oils are a problem FOR YOU.

You should ALSO limit peanut products but may not wish to eliminate them entirely because peanuts are EXCELLENT pituitary support.

If you eat a lot of fast food, Burger King, Taco Bell, Chipotle, Panda Express and Little Caesar's are FINE. AVOID Chik-fil-a and Jack in the Box.

Test/Treat for Metal Poisoning

Metal poisoning promotes acidity. If you have CF, I believe people with CF are especially vulnerable to metal poisoning.

Some indicators you may have metal poisoning:
  • Stunting -- you are on the small side, have always been sickly and maybe grew up in poverty housing where there may have been lead pipes or other water quality issues.
  • Neurological issues, especially those that are hard to treat. Metal poisoning seems to make the blood brain barrier harder to get past with treatments.
  • A mouth full of metal dental work.
Chelation is the way you treat metal poisoning. MOST doctors are NOT qualified to help with this. Some of the best books on the topic are out-of-print books by the late Dr. Andrew Hall Cutler.

No, I have not read them. I knew the man via an online chelation support group on Yahoo called autism-mercury.

I have also not done a proper chelation protocol, in part because I had too much metal in my mouth and was too sick. I was not able to REMOVE all metal dental work as a first step, which is the recommended method. I ended up chelating another way while everyone hated on me (the story of my life).

Eat a More Alkaline Diet

You will need to figure out what works for you, but in the long run you need to eat a less acid diet. You can look up food lists online that list alkaline foods, though keep in mind they don't all agree and they don't always agree with my firsthand experience. It's a place to start, but trust how it makes YOU feel.

Quick and dirty:
  • Eat a less greasy diet generally.
  • Add lettuce, cucumbers and/or celery to your diet.
  • Eat more corn (maize) and less wheat.
  • Eat less meat and go for organic/grass fed animal products.
As noted elsewhere, I ate a bowl of lettuce three to five times a week for some months to move the needle on this issue.

Redress Mineral Deficiencies

You are PROBABLY deficient in calcium and magnesium. You need to take these together and may also need Vitamins D and K to absorb the calcium. You likely should ALSO go to the beach and/or get Celtic Sea Salt to get the many micronutrients you need and are likely missing.

The Trifecta et al

Getting the right combo of good quality salt, the right carbs and the right fats does good things for the gut. Tip: If you are diabetic, ALOE is a GOOD CARB which HELPS with blood sugar as well.

Probiotics are also helpful -- especially if you have stunting, they may be CRITICAL -- and you may benefit from a yeast cleanse diet.

Track Your Progress

You may not need to track it formally, but DO make some effort to track your progress somehow.
What I observed was that if I skipped one day of lettuce, my lungs were still okay. If I skipped two, they were very clearly worse and it was problematic. If I skipped three, it was a crisis.
When I was on the autism-mercury list, people talked about using pH test strips and peeing on them when they first got up in the morning. I have not done this but presumably this is a means to put actual numbers to your progress.

Yeah, it's a LOT. Don't get overwhelmed.

A best practice is to PICK ONE and START THERE and add ONE NEW thing every week or two.

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