The Trifecta
I was trying to understand why a combination of sea salt, glyconutrients, and coconut oil seemed to have a dramatic impact on my condition.I am currently moving content from other blogs and doing a bit of editing. I just moved a piece about Blood Sugar Issues and it mentions both potatoes and aloe vera which seems sort of random but it's not. The RIGHT carbs, fats and salts consumed together at the same time played a critical role in my healing process and continues to be important to maintaining my health.
I call this combo of the RIGHT carbs, fats and salts The Trifecta.
- The RIGHT carbs can include: Glyconutrient supplements, aloe vera supplements or drinks, coconut, high starch potato dishes like specially prepared mashed potatoes or German potato balls.
- The RIGHT fats seem to be medium chain triglycerides which can be found in coconut oil, palm oil and butter, among other things.
- The RIGHT salt is generally sea salt, kosher salt, canning and pickling salt or other natural salts without additives like iodine or anti-caking agents.
Glyconutrients are a fancy word for carbs. People who benefit from them have glowing things to say about them and then other folks lump that in with, like, anti-vaxxers or something: "Clearly, it's crazy talk."
So I was taking that once a day and it made a huge difference and I very obviously was immediately worse if I missed a dose. That fact eventually led to me doing the above linked research on protein folding etc.
That particular glyconutrient supplement no longer exists. At some point, they changed the formulation of their product and I had to stop taking it because I am allergic to one of the ingredients they added, so I began looking for substitutes.
Aloe Vera supplements did something like fifty percent of what that supplement had done for me. I read through the label on the supplement I could no longer use and found another ingredient that got me about eighty percent of the way there when combined with Aloe Vera.
These days, I rely heavily on potatoes as my source for the carb portion of The Trifecta. I haven't taken aloe vera in a long time.