It has to come out

Years ago, I read a book about an American woman who apprenticed with a Mayan herbal healer called Sastun. At some point, he is treating someone and tells them there will be drainage or something and says to not freak out or not try to stop it or something because "It has to come out."

This blog languishes in part because of what I called "All the P words." Talking about getting well inevitably involves talking about perspiration, puking, pooping, peeing and sometimes waking up to puddles of drool.

I get tired of hearing it. I get tired of talking about it. I get tired of experiencing it.

We long ago instituted a moratorium on having such discussions during lunch and I don't really want to talk to the rest of the world about it.

The rest of the world is quick to tell me that if there are ANY side effects at all from "natural" remedies "Welp. I'm outta here!" even though diarrhea is one of the most common side effects and it's the same issue prescription antibiotics cause. But, somehow "That's different."

So I just kind of feel like "Well, you assholes can just stay sick. Whatever. NOT MY PROBLEM."

A few hours ago, I was more irrational than I have been in well over two years. I don't have an explanation per se. I do know I have been doing extra walking and my stomach continues to shrink.

My low back is also sore tonight and not in the usual way. It is not my bone marrow in my pelvis aching due to white blood cell production.

It's more like my tailbone. Sort of.

I took a nasty fall on an icy bridge in December 2017 and really BUSTED my ass but good. That's a rarity. I took gymnastics as a child and like with martial arts, they teach you how to fucking fall so you don't rack yourself up.

So when I was really, really sick, I fell a LOT because I was neurologically impaired, but I rarely got seriously hurt. I've taken falls that by all rights should have involved calling an ambulance and emergency surgery and instead involved scrapes and bruises and strains and taking it easy for a few weeks while I was stiff and had limited range of motion and such.

So anyway, my tailbone hurting suggests my temporary bout of insanity a few hours back is likely related to that fall. I sometimes describe it as "I think a pocket of infection burst" but my son, who is smarter than me about some things, has said he thinks some layer of something sloughed off. That actually fits better with how it felt than my description.

So I busted my ass and I was living in a hundred year old SRO and we were in like the absolute farthest room from the shared bathrooms that didn't have it's own bathroom. We were at the far end of the hall.

So going to the toilet was torture and I spent the first two days rationing how much I drank to limit how often I would have to go pee. GETTING to the other end of the hall was hard -- at one point, I CRAWLED down the fucking hall on hands and knees at like 3 in the fucking morning -- and then getting onto and off of the toilet was a nightmare.

The only saving grace is I had been homeless for nearly six years, so I was used to peeing in the bushes standing up with my knees slightly bent and this made it POSSIBLE for me to get on and off the toilet because my legs handled what my back could not.

And then after 48 hours, it became clear to me that I needed to start actively drinking more and flush my system because not going to the toilet was making me really sick in a "I could end up in the ER in need of antibiotics" kind of way. And this is why I am so absolutely certain that I was racked up due to infection coming out far more than injury per se.

So I began pushing fluids and for the next two or three days, I went to the toilet like every hour or ninety minutes if I was awake and I pooped waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than just "catching up on having not gone much for two days." Because infection was coming out of my system.

And THIS is why I am so certain that it wasn't injury per se that had me messed up. It was infection coming out of my system.

Half the weight of human poop is bacteria. So when you kill infection, you poop. Sometimes a LOT.

Because that's a primary way the body gets rid of infection.

So my tailbone and lower spine are bothering me and that's part of the neurological system and it's ...scar tissue or something from when I fell and some kind of chronic infection sloughed off and my body began dumping it.

And I was badly irrational a few hours ago in a way I have not been in well over two years.

So I don't know what the heck is going on but probably some kind of infection in my brain and spinal cord is resolving and that made me irrational for a bit. As my best guess.

On the upside, although it took some months to recover from, that fall marked a big improvement in my condition. So this little hiccup is likely a good sign in the grand scheme of things.

I'm still hoping to throw up before the night is over.

So if you have serious health issues, whatever is causing them has to come out and you may puke, you may drool badly in your sleep, you may sweat badly at times, you may poop a LOT at times, etc.

If you don't like that answer, get off my ****** blog, go see a doctor and keep your health issues. I don't like writing about it anymore than you like reading about it, THANKS.

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