My Kidneys

I have a genetic disorder, so no matter how crazy I may be at any given moment, I am not capable of convincing a hospital to cut out one of my kidneys and give it to someone else. At least, I ASSUME not, having once read up on bone marrow donation because my employer was willing to pay some expense or other, trying to encourage people to sign up as bone marrow donors.

Guess what? I simply do NOT qualify -- which had me wondering if that was about the genetic disorder PER SE or about how sick and doped to the gills people like me typically are.

Anyway, I still have both my kidneys BUT my genetic disorder causes slow deterioration of EVERYTHING and I was 35 and at death's door when I was diagnosed, so I have done a LOT of repair work. So I have, in fact, done repair work on my kidneys in specific, thus my last post is firsthand experience talking NOT "wild speculation."

This was years ago, back when I had a corporate job, so I don't clearly remember all the details and exact order of events, etc. As best I recall:

I ran into someone at work who told me she was on antibiotics for a kidney infection. My condition makes me very vulnerable to infection and being near her made my kidneys HURT.

I THINK I went home, washed my clothes with peroxide added to the machine and then threw them out. Or that may have been some other incident and maybe I skipped the washing part and just THREW THEM OUT.

I knew from the autism-mercury list that watermelon was excellent kidney support and this incident may be the issue that kicked off TWO YEARS of on again, off again eating watermelon about six days a week most weeks for a total of about two thirds of the year roughly.

I ALSO went back on a strong antimicrobial for like a MONTH. I want to say it was oil of oregano which I had taken for some months in a previous apartment when I was much sicker but no longer used regularly.

But I needed something to clear this kidney infection I had been exposed to and I needed something STRONG. It really did a number on me.

The OTHER thing I want to mention is that I also began consuming hot peppers regularly while I had this job and I found that consuming hot peppers and then going for a long walk made me pee A LOT -- a lot more than just consuming hot peppers alone -- and I shrank so dramatically due to bad edema improving that total strangers began stopping me and asking for diet tips.

I've written that up previously here: Edema. That post seems to lack a link to this HN comment by me on how the lymphatic system works.

I'm including it here because walking/activity generally dramatically increases the rate at which lymph gets returned to the circulatory system. This is how your body removes wastes from tissues and is likely related to why walking after consuming hot peppers makes such a dramatic difference in how much fluid I voided -- aka how much I peed and visibly shrank.

And while doing all that, my kidney function improved. I became less thirsty all the time and could put off drinking stuff and could also put off going pee. When I first had the job, I went to the bathroom every hour, on the hour and I used to constantly have a drink in my hand because I just was always thirsty and got dehydrated easily.

And the info in the Liver Support post is also stuff I did while I had this job, so around the same timeframe. Possibly concurrent, in fact.

Some comment on HN indicates that kidneys produce a hormone that regulates red blood cell production. This occurs in the bone marrow, so I am going to toss out these two links as well. My experience has been that low back pain is usually immune distress and benefits from nutritional support for the bone marrow, presumably because the pelvic bones contain the largest well of bone marrow in the body and my understanding is they extract bone marrow from those bones when they do a bone marrow transplant.

If you are anemic or borderline anemic and kidney support begins prompting red blood cell production, in addition to calcium, B vitamins and the right fats to support your bone marrow you will ALSO need to supplement iron because iron and B vitamins are critical to red blood cell production. And you will need to supplement iron and calcium SEPARATELY.

Iron and calcium should NOT be taken together and this is one reason I typically eat vegetarian tacos: I generally try to avoid consuming beef with cheese because beef is a good source of iron and cheese is a good source of calcium and consuming them together means you don't get as much of either because they interfere with each other.

I try to separate them by at least half an hour.


I ALSO consumed garlic after being exposed to that woman with a kidney infection. I don't normally eat garlic but began keeping it on hand and adding it to things like homemade beef stew in place of my usual onions.

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