Keep It Real

I've done something amazing: I've mostly recovered from a year at death's door in spite of having multiple "incurable" conditions that doctors don't know how to fix.

What I know I have or THINK I have that doctors don't know how to actually fix that I am successfully treating and slowly getting better: I broadly get one of TWO reactions from most people:
  • You a deluded nutter, bitch. Shut your mouth. Also: BANNED from my forum.
  • OH. MY. GOD. You are a MIRACLE WORKER!!!!!!!!! (insert ridiculous expectations of what I can do for them that has zero relationship to reality and defies the laws of physics)
I have said repeatedly:
  • I am NOT a doctor, so you cannot reasonably expect me to TREAT you.
  • This is a BLOG by a FORMER HOMEMAKER. It is NOT medical advice.
  • If you want to up your game on self-managing your chronic, incurable health problems, START HERE.
MY ACTUAL ADVICE to anyone interested in dealing with "impossible" health issues that doctors don't know how to fix is:
  • Start a health journal.
  • Read this ENTIRE site without making ANY changes to YOUR health regimen.
  • AFTER you think you COMPREHEND enough about MY mentals models AND also YOUR baseline health situation, try ONE THING recommended here. Track what happens for AT LEAST a week. Try no more than ONE NEW THING per week.
If you are extremely impaired, such as wheelchair bound, and NOT super knowledgeable in your own right, please take your whackadoodle plans to follow the "advice" of a former homemaker -- who keeps telling you over and over THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE -- to YOUR DOCTOR and ask YOUR DOCTOR to read the site and give you guidance so you don't -- whoopsie -- maim or kill yourself trying to use the info here.

Last but not least: Everyone wants a miracle cure. NO ONE wants to hear it involves crawling naked across broken glass for twenty years.

Yes, I am getting better. NO, it didn't happen overnight nor without side effects.

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