Minerals, Fats, Vitamins, Hormones
- B vitamins are used by the body to make cholesterol in-house in the brain. The brain makes 95 percent of its cholesterol in house and gets only 5 percent from dietary cholesterol.
- Cystic Fibrosis is a salt wasting condition AND people with CF misprocess fats AND this means we are typically deficient in ALL the fat soluble vitamins: ADEK.
- Vitamin D is TECHNICALLY NOT a vitamin. Vitamins are defined as essential nutrients we CANNOT produce ourselves. You CAN get D from diet but humans can ALSO manufacture D from sunlight and I don't know what else. Instead, it is classified as a HORMONE.
- Salt is adrenal support. Coconut oil is thyroid support. These are both hormone-producing organs and if your adrenals are stressed too long, it starts impacting the thyroid.
I will recommend REAL BUTTER as the best general source of healthy fats. Secondarily, you MIGHT find crispy bacon useful and you might not. (Bacon should NOT be consumed when your lungs are aggravated. It's high in nitrates and sometimes also nitrites and it aggravates the lungs.)
When I was REALLY sick, I tried to buy only organic or grass-fed butter. I sometimes also clarified it (heated it to cook off the solids) and if you do that it can be stored in a glass container at room temperature and will be safe to use for up to two months. If you are lactose intolerant, clarifying butter can help you tolerate it better.
I don't know how much butter YOU need. I ate one half to three quarters of a stick as part of a butter sandwich every few weeks at one time because it was the ONLY thing that put a stop to my excruciating jaw and dental pain -- ie BONE PAIN and BONE MARROW is where white blood cells are manufactured and BONE MARROW is FATTY.
I can't eat that much butter in one sitting anymore, but that used to be how I killed my pain when I was in agony and couldn't sleep. If I hurt too much to sleep, I would get up at 4am or whatever, get a stick of butter, a roll or two and a diet coke and make butter sandwiches and wash it down with diet coke until I stopped hurting.
I also used to add like a big scoop of butter to a bowl of potato soup at lunch. I sometimes did this to intentionally provoke vomiting when I had an unbearable headache. Potatoes absorb something coming out of my system and this seems to be related to my body finally starting to produce enough bile as best I can tell and bile has immune and digestive functions.
Good quality bread and potatoes are both sources of carbs and that helped me eat a large quantity of butter. Carbs plus salt plus butter is, of course, The Trifecta written about elsewhere on this site.
They somehow work TOGETHER and are important for gut health, lung health and brain health. Lungs and brains seem to require a lot of the same stuff. When in doubt, a good guess is stuff that helps the lungs is likely to help the brain.