An internal glass ceiling
After I began treating my condition, while on the autism-mercury list (which no longer exists), I learned that Celtic brand sea salt was the best sea salt because it is something like 14 or 16 percent micronutrients and the rest sodium chloride. And at first I would just put some in a glass of water and DRINK IT.
That really helped and ONE person with CF who tracked me down to ask for feedback once told me something like "Oh. My. God. Celtic sea salt REALLY makes a huge difference. I am going to pay more attention to the details of what you say in the future because I can really feel my energy rising."
I had told her something like "I recommend this brand of salt." but hadn't been pushy about it. I know from long experience that's not a way to educate people about this health stuff. They need to UNDERSTAND it and CHOOSE to do it. It needs to make SENSE to people, not get adopted because I internet-YELLED at them.
So, anyway, I also bought their slightly cheaper bath salts and used that in my bath water for a time and I would get really HOT afterwards. So you can absorb salt and other minerals through the skin and if you have serious gut issues, that fact can be a nifty "hack" for getting what you need some way other than ORALLY.
Eventually, I got to a point where I could TELL I still needed MORE salt but I couldn't MAKE myself drink more salt water. And that's when I developed my high starch mashed potato recipe to help me get more salt.
I think it works because it's The Trifecta. It's a combo of the RIGHT carbs, the RIGHT fats and good quality salt.
So IF you are, for example, Black in America and have tried my suggestion that more salt and less pork may do you some good (and assuming you concluded this is TRUE and actually WORKS) and are finding you are hitting your limits on how much salt you can take on, the next step would be the mashed potato recipe linked above.
Eventually, I got enough salt and the fats and carbs to hold them and my body CHANGED and I am generally more functional since then. But it took a while.
I think I peeled potatoes and made fresh high starch mashed potatoes twice a day most days for EIGHT MONTHS. And then I was permanently healthier and more functional and have never again felt so terribly and extremely salt deficient.
It's been a few years since I bought Celtic sea salt. That was followed by moving someplace coastal and going to the beach regularly and I still live near the coast and get SOME salt and minerals from the air where I live, so it's much less of an uphill battle than when I lived more inland.
That really helped and ONE person with CF who tracked me down to ask for feedback once told me something like "Oh. My. God. Celtic sea salt REALLY makes a huge difference. I am going to pay more attention to the details of what you say in the future because I can really feel my energy rising."
I had told her something like "I recommend this brand of salt." but hadn't been pushy about it. I know from long experience that's not a way to educate people about this health stuff. They need to UNDERSTAND it and CHOOSE to do it. It needs to make SENSE to people, not get adopted because I internet-YELLED at them.
So, anyway, I also bought their slightly cheaper bath salts and used that in my bath water for a time and I would get really HOT afterwards. So you can absorb salt and other minerals through the skin and if you have serious gut issues, that fact can be a nifty "hack" for getting what you need some way other than ORALLY.
Eventually, I got to a point where I could TELL I still needed MORE salt but I couldn't MAKE myself drink more salt water. And that's when I developed my high starch mashed potato recipe to help me get more salt.
I think it works because it's The Trifecta. It's a combo of the RIGHT carbs, the RIGHT fats and good quality salt.
So IF you are, for example, Black in America and have tried my suggestion that more salt and less pork may do you some good (and assuming you concluded this is TRUE and actually WORKS) and are finding you are hitting your limits on how much salt you can take on, the next step would be the mashed potato recipe linked above.
Eventually, I got enough salt and the fats and carbs to hold them and my body CHANGED and I am generally more functional since then. But it took a while.
I think I peeled potatoes and made fresh high starch mashed potatoes twice a day most days for EIGHT MONTHS. And then I was permanently healthier and more functional and have never again felt so terribly and extremely salt deficient.
It's been a few years since I bought Celtic sea salt. That was followed by moving someplace coastal and going to the beach regularly and I still live near the coast and get SOME salt and minerals from the air where I live, so it's much less of an uphill battle than when I lived more inland.