Chronic versus Recurrent Infections

If you have recurrent infections, you are being re-exposed. In other words, if you treat it and it goes away but then comes back again and again and again, you need to find the source and figure out how to protect yourself so you don't keep catching it.

See also: Three linear feet of papers; TMI and NSFW.

If you have chronic infections, you likely have biofilm and nutritional deficiencies that need to be treated. These are infections that NEVER really go away.

See also: The weakest link; Biofilm and Acidity.

It's not always easy to distinguish the two patterns and you can have both at the same time. This post is not long because this is a major detail and I want to not muddy the waters here.

Figure out which it is. This is a major detail for getting to the root causes of chronic illness involving infection as one of the components.

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