Treating it from the street

I spent nearly 6 years homeless.

I used to eat orange rind while homeless. It's medicinal and a lot of homeless services give out free oranges. One of the things it helps treat is allergies. It keeps for a few days without refrigeration if you have a ziploc bag for it.

I am far from the only person who was ever homeless with serious health issues. I overheard diabetics telling staff at homeless services they were getting worse because of the food they were eating at free meal sites

THIS site is full of examples of using food as medicine. I learned while homeless that if I ate enough most of the time, it was better to fast than to eat meals that harmed my health. I was routinely underfed the last few days or even the last week of the month for much of the time I was homeless and I was gradually getting HEALTHIER.

My first homeless site focused a lot on finding the food you need. If you are homeless and trying to self-manage serious health issues:
  • Eat healthy. (Educate yourself as to what that means!)
  • Improve your hygiene.
  • READ subs like r/herbalism or search the internet for info on plants and spices you can use medicinally.
  • You can also potentially research foraging for medicinal plants and edible plants. I never did forage for food but looked into it a little bit while homeless.
Beef contains B vitamins. You need B vitamins to address neurological issues and support the production of white blood cells and good quality beef is unlikely to be found at free meal sites. My first homeless site has a post on finding quality beef.

Mushrooms and seaweed are plant-based sources of B vitamins.

My new homeless site is Street Life Solutions.

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