That sound you hear is me banging my head against the wall
The feeling of hunger itself may slow aging in flies
So in an extensive study involving thousands of flies, experts interviewed flies to ask them how hungry they felt, flies kept a journal reporting how hungry they felt....
Um, yeah. You know that's not how that went.
Stuff like the above so-called "study" annoys the fool out of me.
Fasting helps heal a wide variety of ailments because 70 to 80 percent of the immune cells in the body can be found in the gut. This implies that the food we take in is a SUBSTANTIAL burden on the immune system and when you STOP eating temporarily -- even for an intermittent fasting diet -- you free up white blood cells to work on other issues for a time.
You know what else happens on an empty stomach? The digestive enzymes in your stomach can now be used by the body to digest viruses instead of food.
Taking digestive enzymes on an EMPTY STOMACH instead of with food can fight viral infections.
Yes, I have DONE this. When I STOPPED needing prescription digestive enzymes to digest food, I used up the REMAINING pills by taking them on an empty stomach to fight viruses.
Filed under "Mental Models." Because the above study is definitely Mental.
So in an extensive study involving thousands of flies, experts interviewed flies to ask them how hungry they felt, flies kept a journal reporting how hungry they felt....
Um, yeah. You know that's not how that went.
Stuff like the above so-called "study" annoys the fool out of me.
Fasting helps heal a wide variety of ailments because 70 to 80 percent of the immune cells in the body can be found in the gut. This implies that the food we take in is a SUBSTANTIAL burden on the immune system and when you STOP eating temporarily -- even for an intermittent fasting diet -- you free up white blood cells to work on other issues for a time.
You know what else happens on an empty stomach? The digestive enzymes in your stomach can now be used by the body to digest viruses instead of food.
Taking digestive enzymes on an EMPTY STOMACH instead of with food can fight viral infections.
Yes, I have DONE this. When I STOPPED needing prescription digestive enzymes to digest food, I used up the REMAINING pills by taking them on an empty stomach to fight viruses.
Filed under "Mental Models." Because the above study is definitely Mental.