I used to dream I had "dragon eggs" in my skin
From an email my son sent me an hour or so ago that he titled:
2016 online thing where Actual Scientists confirmed that trypanosoma can hang out in skin, even in people that don't seem infected. (no blood parasites, no obvious/serious symptoms)
It's a different body, big shock, and can hang in 'subcutaneous adipose tissue' and 'fascia' -connective tissues, the latter for muscles, and apparently fascia actually have significant nerves. Your muscles being tired/hurting is generally fascia.
Also has strong indications this form invades lymph nodes and the spleen -consistent with our prior theorizing.
Finally confirmed-essentially your intuition about 'eggs hatching' -trypanosoma in the blood have 'slender' and 'stumpy' forms. Slender ones divide into more copies of themselves. As parasite density rises, increasingly slenders switch to being stumpy, which within a human host are a dead end, but are the form that survives and continues the lifecycle in tsetse flies. (slenders die there) Slenders are thus the 'egg' form.
Transition to stumpy form is controlled at least in part by a chemical factor. In theory, it might be possible to convince the parasites to convert en mass by flooding them with this. Unfortunately this factor is completely unidentified at this time.
Mildly acid conditions kill slender forms but not stumpy forms.
Stumpy forms do not have access to the antigen-swapping trick: the immune system eventually 'locks on' to them and kills them.
science finally catching up: trypanosomes in skin stuff
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5065312/2016 online thing where Actual Scientists confirmed that trypanosoma can hang out in skin, even in people that don't seem infected. (no blood parasites, no obvious/serious symptoms)
It's a different body, big shock, and can hang in 'subcutaneous adipose tissue' and 'fascia' -connective tissues, the latter for muscles, and apparently fascia actually have significant nerves. Your muscles being tired/hurting is generally fascia.
Also has strong indications this form invades lymph nodes and the spleen -consistent with our prior theorizing.
Finally confirmed-essentially your intuition about 'eggs hatching' -trypanosoma in the blood have 'slender' and 'stumpy' forms. Slender ones divide into more copies of themselves. As parasite density rises, increasingly slenders switch to being stumpy, which within a human host are a dead end, but are the form that survives and continues the lifecycle in tsetse flies. (slenders die there) Slenders are thus the 'egg' form.
Transition to stumpy form is controlled at least in part by a chemical factor. In theory, it might be possible to convince the parasites to convert en mass by flooding them with this. Unfortunately this factor is completely unidentified at this time.
Mildly acid conditions kill slender forms but not stumpy forms.
Stumpy forms do not have access to the antigen-swapping trick: the immune system eventually 'locks on' to them and kills them.